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Amy Slaney: Lead Investigator & Tech

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I've been into the paranormal since about the age of 5, my first encounter was when I was going up to bed, I was walking up the stairs and when I got to the top I stopped, and saw a cat run through a shut tight door and it stopped and looked at me, I remember it being a tabby and it looked like it was solid. I just stared at it for what seemed like ages but must of only been a few seconds. My Mum shouted for me to go to bed but I ran down to tell my parents what had happened only to be sent back up to bed and be told it was my imagination, but it wasn't because my 5 yr old sister saw it too.

So the following day I had my very first paranormal investigation, I was armed with a box of cat biscuits and a pint of milk stolen from the front door step, I sat there all day but nothing happened and I never saw the cat again. 

I have been obsessed with the paranormal ever since.


Adie Astill: Lead Investigator & Ghost Investigation Creator


For thousands of years the human race has been experiencing unexplained spontaneous phenomena, from spectral apparitions,objects being moved to unexplained smells and light anomalies. mysterious things that go bump in the night, Germans have a word for it  .........poltergeist, which translate to noisy spirit.

There are also tens of thousands of people who claim to be psychic, who claim to be able to communicate with the entities that cause the above descriptions, the spirits of dead people.

Religious texts have been telling the human race for thousands of years that we have an after life. this place Heaven, if true how does this explain the souls allegedly still here on earth?

In the 1800's a spiritualist movement began embracing ghosts and spirits, so much so that in 1882 the SPR ( the society for psychical research) began investigating claims into the paranormal.

Academics and parapsychologists but really its enthusiast that have taken it upon themselves to try to prove or disprove the theory that ghosts exist. ultimately the paranormal field boils down to belief. so the question is, and you must ask yourself this question ...........What do you believe?

So why do I believe? In 1990 I was a child of just seven years of age, I had an experience that completely changed my life and thoughts. I was in my room alone, it was mid afternoon, and I was relaxing, suddenly something grabbed my hand, I told my parents but they didn't believe me as I recanted my experience to them (the imagination of a child). However, it did begin my life long fascination with the possibility of ghosts.


Richard (Judith) Stokes: Paranormal Investigator and Tech

My First investigation was a number of years ago, through work and it was a spur of a moment  decision. I was asked by a colleague if I was interested in joining them on an investigation at a local tea rooms. seeing the way the event was organised and the amount  of activity that night, just fueled my thirst to find more and gain further insight. I read everything I could on the subject and started to go on more investigations. It came very apparent that this was something i was really interested in. 

Along the way I met some great people (who are now my closest friends) and let me join their team Gap Paranormal.

Cathy Larkin: Paranormal Investigator and Medium

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I remember being around 12 years of age and coming across a book by a famous medium. As an avid book reader, my curiosity led me to sit and read it. I was instantly hooked on wanting to know more about spiritualism and mediumship. My mum started taking me to the local spiritualist church,when I was around the age of 16 years old where my fascination continued.

One evening at church whilst having a cup of tea and a chat with other church regulars, I was approached by a lady I did not recognise. She informed me that she was a medium, and her spirit guide had advised her to attend this particular service, where she would meet the final member to form her own private development circle .......that person was me!

I sat in private development circles for nearly 4 years, until the birth of my third child. 

'Life' got in the way, and it seemed my development journey was at its end. I continued to attend the occasional service at church and give the odd reading, but I was too busy with a career and a family to give it much thought.

Fast forward to 2021, during lunch with a friend (with a similar spiritual background) we decided to have a night out with a difference, we booked onto a ghost investigation, this led me to book more events, investigating the unknown, searching for answers to the meaning of life after death and its existence (if any). These events came with the added benefit of meeting some of the most amazing people within the paranormal community. I have finally found a world where I belong, a world where my questions don't sound crazy, where my ideas and theories are encouraged and my passion is fueled. I now host regular ghost investigations for 2 companies which is where I met Ames the founder of Gap Paranormal. I am honoured to be part of Gap Paranormal and consider the team to be amongst some of my closest friends. We may never find the answers we seek, but we'll have fun trying.


Laura Ebery: Paranormal Investigator

I'm by nature curious, too many questions, never enough answers, always looking for the meaning in chaos and the complicated world we live in. I'm from a Christian background and religion has played a focus in many structures of my life. Just because we can't see something physically doesn't mean we should dismiss it out of context, they same is said for anything that can be perceived as paranormal.

Our mortality follows us through life, so its only natural to think 'what happens after death' its the ultimate question with no definitive answer, but with many explanations that are unique to each person. and sometimes it can be good to be frightened, that sense of heightened awareness keeps us asking........... is there anyone there?

The unseen is fascinating, learning different  theories, delving into history to search for facts but also not letting the power of the imagination run away with its self.

Maybe there's something special in not having all the answers in life after all.

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